Congrats! You found a Howard County Dads, Inc. rock, our take on the “Kindness Rocks Project” out in the community! Hopefully, if you’re a dad, you were with your little one(s) when you found it. If so, please take and share a photo of you and your little ones with your rock and tag Howard County Dads on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram along with your location and the tag #HoCoDadsRocks. As an added bonus, feel free to print out this achievement poster for your little ones!

After sharing your photo, free to grab the rock and take it to a new home for someone else to find. Who knows where that rock may end up?! And be sure to let your friends know about HCD rocks and keep an eye out for others out and about!

If it’s your first time hearing of Howard County Dads, Inc., please be sure take a minute to check out our website and Facebook group! #CoolDadsUnite