The second Dads Chasing Excellence Meeting was… excellent! Lots of helpful topics and discussions ranging from tips for living like a king in the Dominican Republic with only $5,000, keeping your calm when parenting, soliciting feedback from your spouse, and balancing “me time” with responsibilities as a father and spouse. Other topics included the development of a “Dad Class” designed for young fathers, and how we could best give back to the community of fathers. An “Ask Me Anything” for new and expecting fathers hosted at a local library was a welcomed idea. 

Here are a few topics and resources that came up throughout the night. – A resource to help maintain patience when parenting – When I asked my kid if she was defiant, she screamed “NOOOO”. I will certainly be checking out this resource. – Does your child struggle with anxiety? Maybe this will help. – For the red or purple pill persuaded, check out Richard Coopers videos on self-care, money, and the “cold hard truth” – Looking to build a PC? This site has received several glowing reviews from the group. – Want to make sure your family is prepared for the worst? Head over to for help creating an action plan. – Want to send your kids to school and not take out a second mortgage? Try planning early and enjoy the tax benefits. 

What Are You Working On Now (WAYWON): Action Item of the Month

Ask your spouse for candid feedback about how you are doing from their perspective in the following areas. The goal here is not to defend, explain, and justify away your misgivings, but just to listen, and use the information to guide future interactions and decisions. 

Father – What are your Strengths? What areas could you improve in?

Husband – What are your Strengths? What areas could you improve in?

Provisioner – What are your Strengths? What areas could you improve in?

Friend/Companion/House-Mate – What are your Strengths? What areas could you improve in?

Good luck.

#DadsChasingExcellence #CoolDadsUnite