I asked the members of HoCo Moms Hub what they wish they got for the holidays. We teamed up with their admin Christy to deliver this top wish list for Mother’s Day. Turf Valley & Caroline Bell offered giveaway items. Sign up at the bottom of this page. I’ll turn the rest over to Christy. Good luck out there dads!
-Josh, Founder & Chair
This is a PSA for the hubbies. Like an (untrained investigative reporter, I have been asking random moms, “What do you REALLY want for Mother’s Day?” The answers will not surprise any of you. While we all appreciate those sweet little drawings and burnt toast in bed, what we really want is a break from…being a mom.
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Not many of us are doing this on Mother’s Day! |
What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day
1. Sleep.
A night in a hotel? The guest room with Netflix and no baby monitor? Go wild guys, the world is your oyster. This year, because most of the world is in lock-down, a hotel isn’t possible. Let’s kid-proof the guest room as much as possible-ok?
2. A Cleaning Lady
My friend Leah made this recommendation and, YES! A couple of weeks (or forever) of a cleaning lady is the gift that keeps on giving! Since you may not be able to do that right now, how about partner and kids make a cleaning crew? It would mean a lot.
3. No meal prep.
Let’s just go ahead and eat takeout for every meal that day, or even just one. You have to see what Turf Valley, a local resort is doing for Mother’s Day! Turf Valley is doing a family meal bundle that ups the ante on the takeout we’ve all been having lately. They have add-ons like a spa gift package, mimosas, and appetizers that make it a one-stop solution.

Place your order Wednesday, May 6th
4. Everyone doing chores without whining.
Sorry sweetheart, but I doubt this magical interlude is in the works, but maybe next year? Unicorns may appear in my garage too, but perhaps the hubs can deal with it for one day.
5. Spa.
Several ladies said that this is the gift that they LOVE. Me time and pampering (preferably with wine). It’s a great way to support a local business that is struggling too!
Also note, Turf Valley’s meal bundle has a spa at home gift package add-on available. See the full menu for details.
6. A kid-free day.
I had this for one Mother’s Day, and it was magical. Since we are locked up, maybe arrange with other hubbies for a zoom date, or an appropriately distanced walk with her BFF. Let her lock herself away with Netflix, buy some self-care items
7. A surprise date with the hubby.
A couple of ladies thought that a date (totally planned by the hubs) would be an amazing surprise. I agree. Not easy to do? Put the kids to bed early, or put them in front of a movie, and try Singo!
8. A girls’ night.
Talk to some of her best friend’s husbands and plan a surprise ladies’ night. You will appreciate it at the end of the night, trust me. My hubby found this thing called Singo. It’s like Bingo with songs instead of letters/numbers. It is a super fun way to spend an evening on Zoom with friends.
9. Decorate the house.
Get the kids into it, do something special. Or, in Maryland, hire someone like my friend Caroline to set up an awesome contactless balloon garland delivered to your front door!
The Prizes
One winner will get both of the following gifts from Turf Valley Resort & Caroline Bell
Turf Valley’s Mother’s Day 3 Course Takeout Meal
We’re talking prime rib, salmon, strawberry shortcake, dessert bars. . .
Check out the full menu at https://www.turfvalley.com/annual-events/holiday-events
Balloon Garland Delivery
Get a Mother’s Day balloon decoration delivered to your front door safely, contact-free from Caroline’s balloon service.
Sign Up Form
a Rafflecopter giveawayLet us know how it goes
What do you think of this list and how did previous years go. Leave a comment and come back and let us know if you knock it out of the park.
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