Times are tense and anxiety is high. If you weren’t aware, the Howard County Men’s Divorce Group usually meets in Ellicott City and is for men in any stage of separation or divorce. Whether you’re just thinking about it, already finished, or somewhere in between. You can meet other men in the same boat.
The moderator of the group is a Maryland licensed counselor and is a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®. The group meets every Thursday night at 7:30 PM. The meeting will last for roughly an hour and that the cost is $10 per meeting which you’ll receive an invoice for through Square after the meeting.
To attend the next meeting, contact the leader, Rod Wright at Coach.Rod@BrickRoad.com. He’ll appreciate the heads up and give you the virtual meeting details.

Meet Rod
Hi, I’m Rod Wright, owner of Brick Road Coaching, LLC.
I believe that people are on their own journey and that one person’s journey is not necessarily the right one for another person. I help people remove the roadblocks from their journey so they can have the best possible life that’s right for them.