Alberton Road Trail is a popular 3.6 mile out and back trail near Milford Mill, Maryland. Get full details and maps at the All Trails page for this trail.

Alberton Road Trail with Kids

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Last month we did a portion of the Alberton Road Trail. I knew ahead of time that my boys would never manage the whole thing because it is over the miles they normally manage. Therefore, I planned to find the ruined church which you have to go off-trail for and you can’t see from the main trail. You should have the All Trails App to help with this. Behind the church there are a bunch of gravestones all with similar dates around 1917 to 1920, Spanish flu maybe. The ruins are pretty cool and we ate lunch by a fire pit area that seemed to have been made as part of a circular stone layout which I thought was cool.

Abandon church and graveyard along Alberton Road Trail in Maryland

Let’s start with the basics, car parking is very limited (approx. 10 cars). I believe there is parking further along but kind of a scary road to be honest. This is a hard path kind of trail but is worn in a few areas. I think you could manage this with a stroller for the most part. As it’s an out and back it’s great for tailoring based on your kids’ needs.

Kids walking the Alberton Road Trail in Maryland

Overall – 8/10 Score

A pretty cool hike and one I want to repeat once the kids can make it to the dam.