Early on in the global pandemic, we pulled out a puzzle we had stashed away for the holidays. It was a Together Time Puzzle by Ceaco that has small medium and large-sized pieces so everyone can join in and contribute.

I was impressed by the idea and our family of four took to them. Now we grab them if we see them on the shelves when shopping. They’re available at Walmart and Kohls. We’ve now bought at least 4 of these.
The manufacturer sent puzzles for prizes
So, I reached out to the company that makes them, Ceaco, to see if they could hook us up. They sent a box of puzzles that we’ll give out as prizes for upcoming virtual events. Subscribe and stay tuned as we plan Virtual Bingo, Family Trivia Night, and more events. We’ll focus the prizes on things the family can enjoy together. Together Time Puzzles hit the head of the nail for that criteria.

What family entertainment has worked best for you and yours?
Leave a comment so we can all try it out. There aren’t enough ideas to have these days. Take care and stay safe!