We won’t mope and whine about how the New Year won’t be the same as usual. Instead we’re going all out to celebrate the end of the longest year ever! . . . Without keeping the kids up late though, that would just be crazy. Here are three ways to bring in the new year with a respectable sleeping schedule.
With Local Fireworks
Fireworks at 6 PM + A Walk Through Symphony of Lights
Merriweather Symphony of Lights • Columbia, MD
We drove through the Symphony of Lights plenty of times, but walking through it is much more fun. Add in 6 PM fireworks and BOOM – you’re making memories. [Sorry, I had to. It was too easy.]
Note: the fireworks are really loud because it’s so close. Be ready with an exit strategy if it may be too much for your young ones.
Virtual Celebration
CAMP.com’s NOON Year’s Eve Party
Virtual Party • at Home!
Celebrate from 11:15 to Noon for for free at CAMP.com’s virtual Noon Year’s Eve! It includes games, dancing, and crafts. Be sure to check out the craft activities listed on the link so you have materials ready. Register online & it is a free event. Fun for all ages.
DIY at Home
Ball Drop at Noon, or whenever you decide
Feeling like you have some creative juice left for 2020? Grab some craft supplies, hop on YouTube or Pinterest, and plan your own New Year’s Eve Party at home. Watch the fireworks displays from last year… or 1985. With a few swigs of sparking grape juice, the kids won’t even know.
Whatever you do, have fun!
What are you planning and how does it compare to your usual traditions? Chime in below. Happy New Year!