When: May 22, 2021 10:00 AM
Where: 7425 Weatherworn Way Columbia, MD
Hoco Dads will be doing the monthly Treasure Hunt on Saturday. Post in the comments what time you’re starting and what age your kids are. IMPORTANT: Register at hocopirateadventures.com/ Details from HoCo Pirate Adventures: “The May Treasure Hunt from HoCo Pirate Adventures will lead you through the trails of Dickinson in King’s Contrivance. You’ll wind through towering trees to find a tough little outpost with great views! Then down to a wide river to discover a clue beside the rapids! Next you’ll explore the ruins of Fort Mutiny – and maybe help rebuild it! Hold your breath as the next clue might make you keel over. Finally, search Pegleg Pines to find your the last part of the password and then you’re off to open the treasure chest! The trail is roughly 1.4 miles long; it’s quite hilly and requires some treks off trail, so be prepared if you’re bringing a stroller. We can’t recommend powerchairs on this trip. Sorry!”