We just weren’t done with Halloween after Thursday. So we went to Hersheypark the Saturday after for yet another trick or treating adventure. Here’s a quick recap of our trip and how it compares to the other trick or treating trips we’ve enjoyed.

Hersheypark in the Dark
For 3 weekends around Halloween, 2 before and 1 after, Hersheypark has its own fall festivities for a fun spin on their amusement park. They celebrate with trick or treating, light displays and decorations throughout. The water park, some food vendors, and rides are closed, but there was still plenty to do and minimal wait times.
We drove up in the morning and we’re there 10:30 to 5:00. Since the event is called Hersheypark in the Dark we missed a good portion of the magic. The hours are 10 AM to 10 PM. Kudos on the flexibility for families of young ones. There were light displays all around that probably looked great, but we got there at opening and left before sunset.
The Trick or Treating
The stations are spread throughout the 3 properties, Chocolate World, Zoo America, and Hersheypark. This is only for children age 12 and under. That’s right. Even if you dress up, dad can’t get any candy. Still, Boo at the Zoo has been our only equal opportunity trick or treating event for dads this year. These are the four places to trick or treat:

Chocolate World
This is the building right before entering the park gates. As soon as you enter Chocolate World, you’ll see a trick or treat table straight past the photo-op statues and information desks.. The room is always buzzing with excitement and colorful backdrops for family photos.
The employees giving the candy were dressed in Hershey candy costumes. This was a really nice touch and much more festive than the khaki and polo uniform they probably wore all summer.

While inside Chocolate world, this is a good time to do the Chocolate Tour. It is a free ride that emulates a factory tour and shows how their chocolate is made.
Zoo America

The attached zoo is free with park admission. Unlike in the heat of summer, there were a lot more animals out to see during the fall months. Keep an eye out for the trick or treating table so you don’t miss it. If you follow the suggested route, you’ll find a performance stage about 75% through the zoo’s walking trail. There was an employee dressed as a scarecrow giving out candy and taking photos with families.

Throughout the zoo, there were Halloween decorations and lights. We saw at least a dozen fun facts about bats on orange signs above the paths. Near the bobcat we saw a large lot of carved jack-o-lanterns.


Between the entrance of the Wildcat roller coaster and The Boardwalk section, you’ll find a large sign for the entrance to Treatville. They created a well decorated walking path of trick or treating stations. The designs went above and beyond. Each of the eight locations had a theme.

The immersion blew my mind the most. They converted group pavilions into a stroll full of all things fall. Everywhere I turned, there was a photo op. Where they couple gotten away with a blank wall, there was a wall of dried corn stalks that made a scenic a festive backdrop. The decor was top notch and the colorful lighting really set and reset the mood as you entered each section’s theme.


This is yet another excuse to get the whole family in costumes and make memories on a day trip. Adults and older kids don’t get to trick or treat, but we know you’ll eat theirs anyway.
If you visit during the summer and for this event, it’s with getting the annual photopass. Note this only includes rides, not the photographer photos.
Take your time. There isn’t as big of a crowd as summer, so don’t rush it. If you need a break from rides, stroll through the zoo.